Committed for Timely Service!

Saturday 21 September 2019

Limits for expenses on repairs and maintenance by Committee Bye - Laws 157

a) The Committee shall be competent to incur expenditure on the repairs and maintenance of the Society's property once in a financial year, the onetime expenditure does not exceed :

       1.  Up to 25 Members Rs. 25.000/-

       2. 26 to 50 Members Rs. 50,000/-

       3. 51 and above Upto Rs. 1,00,000/-

b) If one-time expenditure on repairs and maintenance of the Society's property exceeds the limit as mentioned under Bye-law No. 157(a) prior sanction of the meeting of the General Body of the Society shall be necessary.

c) The meeting of the General Body of the Society shall decide: The limit up to which the expenditure on repairs and maintenance of the property of the Society could be incurred by the Committee without calling for tenders for the work. In respect of the work, the cost of which exceeds the limit, so fixed, the Committee shall follow the procedure of inviting tenders, placing them before the General Body Meeting for approval, and entering into a contract with the Architect (if appointed) and the Contractor.

d)The appointment of An Architect: In respect of redevelopment of Society buildings the procedure to be followed as per Government Resolutions (as amended from time to time) and provisions in Architect Act 1972.

e) If no appointment of an Architect is made by the Promoter, the meeting of the General Body of the Society shall appoint an Architect on such terms and conditions as it deems fit and as per the provisions of Architect Act 1972.

f) The Committee shall enter into the contract with the Architect, on the basis of the terms and conditions approved at the meeting of the General Body of the Society in that behalf as per the provisions of Architect Act 1972.

g) The Architect shall prepare the plans and estimate and feasibility report of the construction of the building/buildings in consultation with the committee, which shall place the same before the meeting of the General Body of the Society. The Architect shall submit, the plans as per the feasibility report of the construction of the building/buildings, approved by the meeting of the General Body of the Society to the Local Authority for sanction as per finally approved tenders.

h)As per the procedure mentioned in redevelopment G.R. dated 03-01-2009 the Committee shall invite tenders in consultation with the Architect appointed by Society.

i)The Secretary shall open the tenders received by him in the meeting of the Committee, which shall scrutinize them and prepare its report along with the draft of the terms and conditions, in consultation with the Architect of the Society and place the same before the meeting of the General Body for its decision. After the approval of the General Body, the Committee shall then enter into the contract with the Contractor.

j) The Contract deeds, entered into with the Architect of the Society and the Contractor, shall provide a stipulation for settlement of the disputes arising out of the execution of the Contracts shall be referred to the sole Arbitrator appointed by the Society.

Inspect of Society's property for repairs Bye - Law 156 | Work on repairs and redevelopment Bye - Laws 158

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