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Sunday 16 October 2022

Section 81 of MCS ACT 1960 : Audit


(1)(a)The society shall cause to be audited its accounts atleast once in each financial year and also cause it to be completed within a period of four months from the close of financial year to which such accounts relate by auditor or auditing firm from a panel prepared by the Registrar and approved by the State Government or an authority authorised by it in this behalf, possessing required qualifications and experience as may be prescribed, to be eligible for auditing accounts of societies, appointed by the general body of a society, as provided in sub-section (2A) of section 75 and shall lay such audit report before the annual general body meeting. In case of apex society, the audit report shall also be laid before both Houses of the State Legislature, in such manner, as may be prescribed :

    Provided that, if the Registrar is satisfied that the society has failed to intimate and file the return as provided by sub-section (2A) of section 75 and sub-section (1B) of section 79, by order, for the reasons to be recorded in writing, he may cause its accounts to be audited, by an auditor from the panel of the auditors approved by the State Government or an authority authorised by it in this behalf :

    Provided further that, no auditor shall accept audit of more than twenty societies for audit in a financial year excluding societies having paid up share capital of less than rupees one lakh :

    Provided also that, the Registrar shall maintain a panel of auditors and auditing firms as approved by the State Government or an authority authorised by it in this behalf.

(b) The manner of preparation, declaration and maintenance of the panel of auditors and auditing firms by the Registrar shall be such as may be prescribed.

(c) The committee of every society shall ensure that the annual financial statements like the receipts and payments or income and expenditure, profit and loss and the balance-sheet alongwith such schedules and other statements are audited, within four months of the closure of the financial year.

(d) The Registrar shall submit the audit report of every apex co-operative society to the State Government annually for being laid before both the Houses of the State Legislature in the manner prescribed.

(e) The auditor’s report shall have,—

     (i) all particulars of the defects or the irregularities observed in audit and in case of financial irregularities and misappropriation or embezzlement of funds or fraud, the auditor or the auditing firm shall investigate and report the modus operandi, the entrustment and amount involved ;

     (ii) accounting irregularities and their implications on the financial statements to be indicated in detail in the report with the corresponding effects on the profit and loss ;

     (iii) the functioning of the committee and sub-committees of the societies be checked and if any irregularities or violations are observed or reported, duly fixing the responsibilities for such irregularities or violations.

(f) The remuneration of the auditor or auditing firm of a society shall be borne by the society and shall be at such rate as may be prescribed.

(g) The Registrar shall maintain the list of societies districtwise, the list of working societies, the list of societies whose accounts are audited, the list of societies whose accounts are not audited within the prescribed time and reasons therefor. The Registrar shall co-ordinate with the societies and the auditors or auditing firms and ensure the completion of audit of accounts of all the co-operative societies in time every year.

    Explanation I.—For the purposes of this section, the expression, “ possessing required qualifications ” for being included in the panel duly approved by the State Government or an authority authorised by the State Government in this behalf, from time to time, shall mean and include—

         (a) a person who is a Chartered Accountant within the meaning of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, who has a fair knowledge of the functioning of the societies and an experience of atleast one year in auditing of societies with a working knowledge of Marathi language ;

         (b) an auditing firm which is a firm of more than one Chartered Accountants within the meaning of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, who have a fair knowledge of the functioning of the societies with a working knowledge of Marathi language ;

           (b-1) a person who is Cost Accountant within the meaning of the Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959, who has a fair knowledge of the functioning of the societies and an experience of atleast one year of auditing in societies with a working knowledge of Marathi language ;

           (b-2) an auditing firm, which is a firm of more than one Cost Accountants within the meaning of the Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959, having a fair knowledge of the functioning of the societies with a working knowledge of Marathi language ;]

         (c) a certified auditor, who is a person holding a Degree from a recognised University and also has completed a Government Diploma in Co-operation and Accountancy and who has a fair knowledge of the functioning of the societies and an experience of atleast three years in auditing of societies with a working knowledge of Marathi language ;

         (d) a Government Auditor, who is an employee of the Co-operation Department of  the State, possessing the Higher Diploma in Co-operative Management or the Diploma in Co-operative Audit or Government Diploma in Co-operation and Accountancy with a working knowledge of Marathi language and who has completed the period of probation successfully ;

              Explanation II.—The terms and conditions for inclusion and retention of name as an auditor or auditing firm in the panel of auditors shall be subject to the terms and conditions, as may be prescribed.]

              (2) The audit under sub-section (1) shall 3[be carried out as per Auditing standards notified by the State Government from time to time and shall also] include examination or verification of the following items, namely :—

                   (i) overdues of debts, if any ;

                   (ii) cash balance and securities and a valuation of the assets and liabilities of the society ;

                   (iii) whether loan and advances and debts made by the society on the basis of security have been properly secured and the terms on which such loans and advances are made or debts are incurred are not prejudicial to the interest of the society and its members ;

                   (iv) whether transactions of the society which are represented merely by book entries are not prejudicial to the interest of the society ;

                   (v) whether loans and advances made by the society have been shown as deposits ;

                   (vi) whether personal expenses have been charged to revenue account ;

                   (vii) whether the society has incurred any expenditure in furtherance of its objects ;

                   (viii) whether the society has properly utilised the financial assistance granted by Government or Government undertakings or financial institutions, for the purpose for which such assistance was granted ;

                   (ix) whether the society is properly carrying out its objects and obligations towards members.]

                (2A) Where, in the opinion of the State Government, it is necessary in the public interest 2[or in the interest of the society] to do so in relation to any society or class of societies for ensuring management thereof in accordance with sound business principles or prudent commercial practices, the State Government may, by order, direct 3[that such society or class of societies shall prepare and maintain its accounts in the form determined by the State Government, from time to time and ] that cost audit or performance audit or both, of such society or class of societies, as may be specified in the order, shall be conducted.

                (2B) Where any order is issued under sub-section (2A), the 4[society shall cause its audit to be conducted] by a cost accountant who is a member of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India constituted under section 3 of the Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959.]

              (3)(a) [The Auditor] shall, for the purpose of audit, at all time have access to all the books, accounts, documents, papers, securities, cash and other properties belonging to, or in the custody of, the society, and may summon any person in possession or responsible for the custody of any such books, accounts, documents, papers, securities, cash or other properties, to produce the same at any place at the head-quarters of the society or any branch thereof.

                 (b) If the Registrar has reason to believe that there exists an element of fraud, misapplication of funds, manipulation of the accounts and the accounts of the society are likely to be tampered with, thereby causing loss to the society, he shall be competent to depute Flying Squad to a society or societies for examination of books, records, accounts, and such other papers and for verification of cash balance. The report of the Flying Squad shall be treated as sufficient evidence for further action, if any.]

                 (c) If it is brought to the notice of the Registrar that the audit report submitted by the auditor does not disclose the true and correct picture of the accounts, the Registrar or the authorised person may carry out or cause to be carried out a test audit of accounts of such society. The test audit shall include the examination of such items as may be prescribed and specified by the Registrar in such order.]

              (4) Every person who is, or has at any time been, an officer or employee of the society and every member and past member of the society, shall furnish such information in regard to the transactions and working of the society as the Registrar, or the person authorised by him, may require.

              (5) The auditor appointed under sub-section (1) shall have the right to receive all notices, and every communication relating to the annual general meeting of the society and to attend such meeting and to be heard there at, in respect of any part of the business with which he is concerned as auditor.

                    (5A) If, during the course of audit of any society, the auditor is satisfied that some books of accounts or other documents contain any incriminatory evidence against past or present officer or employee of the society the auditor shall immediately report the matter to the Registrar and, with previous permission of the Registrar, may impound the books or documents and give a receipt thereof to the society.

                    (5B) The auditor shall submit 3[his audit report within a period of one month from its completion and in any case before issuance of notice of the annual general body meeting] to the society and to the Registrar in such form as may be specified by the Registrar, on the accounts examined by him and on the balance sheet and profit and loss account as on the date and for the period up to which the accounts have been audited, and shall state whether in his opinion and to the best of his information and according to the Explanation given to him by the society, the said accounts give all information required by or under this Act and present the true and fair view of the financial transaction of the society :]

                     Provided that, where the auditor has come to a conclusion in his audit report that any person, is guilty of any offence relating to the accounts or any other offences, he shall file a specific report to the Registrar within a period of fifteen days from the date of submission of his audit report. The auditor concerned shall, after obtaining written permission of the Registrar, file a First Information Report of the offence. The auditor, who fails to file First Information Report, shall be liable for disqualification and his name shall be liable to be removed from the panel of auditors and he shall also be liable to any other action as the Registrar may think fit :

                     Provided further that, when it is brought to the notice of the Registrar that, the auditor has failed to initiate action as specified above, the Registrar shall cause a First Information Report to be filed by a person authorised by him in that behalf :

                     Provided also that, on conclusion of his audit, if the auditor finds that there are apparent instances of financial irregularities resulting into losses to the society caused by any member of the committee or officers of the society or by any other person, then he shall prepare a Special Report and submit

                     the same to the Registrar alongwith his audit report. Failure to file such Special Report, would amount to negligence in the duties of the auditor and he shall be liable for disqualification for appointment as an auditor or any other action, as the Registrar may think fit.]

              (6) If it appears to the Registrar, on an application by a society or otherwise, that it is necessary or expedient to re-audit any accounts of the society, the Registrar may by order provide for such re-audit and the provisions of this Act applicable to audit of accounts of the society shall apply to such re-audit.

              (7) Special audit of the Co-operative Bank if requested by the Reserve Bank of India shall be conducted and report thereof shall be submitted to the Reserve Bank of India under intimation to the Registrar alongwith the Special Audit Report.]