Disqualification of Committee and its Members MCS ACT 154B-23 Who are the disqualified from housing society committee members in Maharashtra? Extract of MCS Amendment ACT 2019, here I am go... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
What is Provisional Member in housing society? As per Section 154B-1(18)(c) “Provisional Member” means a person who is duly admitted as a Member of a society temporarily after death of a ... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Motion of no confidence against officers of society Section 154B-24 Motion of no confidence against officers of society Section 154B-24 | How to remove office bearer of housing society (1) An officer who hol... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Recovery of Dues in a Cooperative Housing Society Who is Defaulter in Co-Operative Housing Society? As per MCS Amendment ACT 2019 154B-1(11) “Defaulter” means a Member or flat owner or occup... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Important Dates for Co-Operative Housing Societies Important dates for Co-Operative Housing Societies Accounts, Audit and Returns Important Date ... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
What is Sinking Fund in Housing Society What is Sinking Fund? Sinking fund is a fund which created by a Co-Operative Housing Society and keep aside in fixed deposits for futu... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Special General Body Meeting of co-operative society Special General Body Meeting in Co-Operative Housing Society Bye Law No. 96: When a Special General Body Meeting should be convened: ... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
What is the meaning of provisional member in housing society 154B - 1(18)(C)? As per MCS Amendment ACT 2019 - 1 (18) (C) “ Provisional Member ” means a person who is duly admitted as a Member of a society tempora... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Nomination In Cooperative Society Nomination Rules for Housing Societies | Nomination of persons - Maharashtra Cooperative Societies What is Nomination in Co Operative Housi... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+
Section 165 of MCS ACT 1960 : Rules Section 165 : Rules (1) The State Government may, for the whole or any part of the State and for any society or class of societies, make rul... Continue Reading Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+