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Wednesday 8 July 2020

Duties & Responsibilities of Chairman in Housing Society

As per Bye - Law No 139, “The Chairman of the Society shall have the power of overall superintendence, control and guidance in respect of management of the affairs of the Society within the frame-work of the MCS Act 1960. Rule 1961 and the Bye-laws of the Society. In case of any emergency, the chairman of the Society may be competent to exercise any of the powers of the committee. However, while doing so he shall record the reasons thereof in writing any decision, so taken by the chairman of the Society shall be got ratified in the next meeting of the Committee. “

Duties & Responsibilities of Chairman are as follow: 

  • The Chairman is a top level office bearer in the Managing Committee.
  • The Chairman of the Society shall have the power of overall superintendence, control and guidance in respect of management of the affairs of the Society.
  • The Chairman has Final Decision Power, Without Chairman knowledge office bearer cannot take decision.
  • The Society has to give services as defended in society bye law, rule and act, if any irregularities/ malfunctioning found and member’s complaint to Registrar, then chairman is responsible for the same and answerable.
  • The Chairman has to keep eye watch on complete administration of the Society.
  • The Chairman of the Society shall preside over all the general body meeting and managing committee meeting.
  • If there is an equal number of votes for or against any matter, The Chairman is having decisive vote because Chairman has 2 votes, however rest all members having only one vote.
  • The Chairman shall see all the required records are maintained as per Bye - Law.
  • The Chairman should see that audit of accounts is done on time and AGM is held every year on or before 30 Sep.
  • In emergency the chairman of the Society may be competent to exercise any of the powers of the committee.
  • Any such decision taken by the Chairman has to be ratified by the MC in its next MC meeting.
  • The Chairman can take initiative to arrange meeting or order to Secretary to arrange managing committee meeting every month.
  • The Chairman is one of the signatory for Bank Account out of Secretary and Treasurer.
  • The Chairman post cannot be vacant.
  • The Chairman is the final authority on ballot decisions, expenditure approvals, and acceptance of procedural decisions, committee nominations and disciplinary actions.
  • The Chairman shall deal with conflict of interests.
  • In absence of secretary, The Chairman shall acknowledges receipt of the any member’s letter / complaint. 

What is the role of chairman in housing society PDF

Duties & Responsibilities of Secretary in housing society

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