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Wednesday 31 March 2021

AGM Notice Format For Housing Society


 (On Society Letter Head)

 Ref. No. AGM/Notice/2021-2022                                                             Date: _____________



Sub: - Annual General Body Meeting of ABC CHS Ltd. scheduled to be held on Sunday, 7th Aug 2022 at 10:00 Hrs.

Notice is hereby given to all members of the Society that the 5th Annual General Meeting of the members of the Society as required under the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act 1960, and Rule No. 59 and Bye-law No. 86 framed thereunder, shall be held on Sunday the 20-08-2022 at 11 AM to transact the following business:

1) To read the minutes of the last Annual General Body Meeting of the society held on ________ as well as Special General Body Meeting held on ________ and to note the action taken thereon.

2) To receive from the committee, the annual report of its activities on the preceding co-operative year’s working, together with the Statement of accounts in form ‘N’ prescribed under Rule 62(1) of the Rules, showing the income and expenditure during the preceding Cooperative year and the balance sheet as at the close of the preceding co-operative year i.e. 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2022.

3) To consider Audit Report, received from the Auditor appointed as provided in section 75(2A) of the Act for the previous co-operative year.

4) To appoint statutory auditor for financial year __________.

5) To accept new members of society as per attached annexure-A.

6) To discuss and declare date and conduct of election of New Managing Committee, as the Existing Committee is completing its term of Five Years on 31.03.2021.

7) To appoint internal auditor of the Society for the year, if necessary and fix his remuneration.

8) To place annual budget for the next financial year for consideration.

9) To fix limit up to which the expenditure on repairs and maintenance of the society could be incurred by the committee without calling for tenders for work. Bye-Law No.157 (c) Rs. 1,50,000/-.

10) To accept & submit the audit report in English.

11) To authorise committee to call quotations & finalise service providers for Security, CCTV Maintenance, Housekeeping, Liftman, Lift Maintenance, DG Set Maintenance, Fire System Maintenance, Water Tank Cleaning, Water Pump Maintenance.

12) To authorise committee to insure property of the society along with common area.

13) To appoint the Grievance settlement and Redressal Committee as provided in Bye-law No. 173.

14) To decide action to be taken against members defaulting in payment of society dues.

15) To discuss and approve maintenance charges as per Bye -Law.

16) To Discuss and approve the Transfer Premium Rs. 25,000, Transfer Fee Rs. 500 & Entrance Fee Rs. 100.

17) To discuss about non occupancy charges collection, flat which is on rent 10% of service charges as per Government Notifcation.

18) To discuss about misuse of water & open tap if flat is locked, if any flat found water tap is open and no one is inside (locked), society will charge Rs 1000 as penalty.

19) To discuss about maintenance bill, maintenance bill should be issue to every flat on 1st and due date will be 15th. After 15 late fees applicable 21% P.A as per bye law.

20) To discuss about pet, please be make sure due to your pets your neighbourhood should not disturb anyhow.

21) To discuss about pet, please be make sure due to your pets your neighbourhood should not disturb anyhow.

22) To discuss about common place /society office use for personal functions / events / celebration. Member need to take permission in writing for use, and charges applicable.

23) To discuss about renovation work, member need to take society permission before start any type of renovation work in your flats. Renovation policy will be applicable to members.

24) To discuss about using society assets, any type society asset if member want to use, need written permission and society can charges a penalty in case of damage the things.

25) To discuss about maintenance bill, all maintenance bill, receipts, statement, will be provided by email & Society App only. Whoever need hardcopy, need to pay for printing.

26) Pease do not keep your valuable things outside your door, or in common area, if it lost society is not responsible. You don’t have right to complaint regarding this to society, it’s your responsibility to keep your belonging inside the flats.

27) To consider any other matter, with the permission of the Chair, excepting those requiring proper notice, after the regular agenda is over and which are permitted under the provision of the Act, Rules & bye-laws.

28) You can add more point as per your society requirement.


1) Only bonafide members of the Society shall be permitted to attend the 

Meeting. Joint Member, Associate Member or Provisional Member shall be allowed in the absence of primary members, but primary owner consent letter required to attend meeting. Similarly proxies or Power of Attorneys will neither be accepted nor allowed.

2) If there is no quorum at the scheduled time, the meeting shall be postponed and re-convened at 11.30 a.m. on the same date and at the same place even if there is no quorum.

3) As per Bye-Law No.100, the quorum shall be 20 or 2/3 of total members.

4) As per Bye-Law No. 104, No proxy or a holder of power of attorney or letter of authority shall be eligible to attend a general body meeting of the society on behalf of a member of the society.

5) Income and expenditure during the preceding co-operative year and the balance sheet as at the close of the preceding co-operative year i.e. 31/03/2022 is being sent along with this notice. Members are requested to bring them on AGM day. Decisions taken at the meeting shall be deemed to have been taken with the consent of and binding on all members of the Society including absentee members.

6) Society’s Registers, Books shall be available for inspection to all members from 10/08/2022 to 19/08/2022 in society office between 3 pm to 7 pm. Members are requested to enter their names, date & time and sign in a register which will be kept. Members are requested to give suggestions / questions they want to ask in AGM at least 3 days before AGM (on or before 03/11/2021), in writing to Secretary, so that they can be addressed properly.

7) Members are requested to furnish their Membership Form along with Nomination Forms, Agreement Copy, Rent Agreement, Police Verification & other relevant documents, if not submitted earlier

For and on behalf of the 

Managing Committee

Hon. Secretary


 Annual general meeting notice format | AGM notice format for housing society | General body meeting of society

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