Committed for Timely Service!

Wednesday 25 December 2019

First Annual General Meeting Agenda

First General Body Meeting & Agenda

It is obligatory that the Agenda of the first general body meeting after registration should be as follows:

  • To elect a Chairman for the meeting.
  • To admit persons to membership who have applied for membership of the society.
  • To elect a provisional Managing Committee.
  • To receive and approve the statement of account as prepared by the Chief Promoter of the society up to 14 days prior to the first general body meeting of the society.
  • To authorize the committee to secure conveyance of the right title and interest in the property in the name of the society from the promoter builder.
  • To impose restrictions on raising loan amount from outside.
  • To appoint an internal auditor and to fix his remuneration.
  • To authorize one of the members of the provisional committee to call the first meeting of the provisional committee
  • To take a decision about taking membership of the District Housing Federation and other institutions.
  • To give power to one member of the provisional management committee to call a meeting of the managing committee.
  • To consider the matters raised by the member except for these matters which are necessary for giving advance notice with the permission of the chairman and eleventh-hour matter and to make a resolution in that regard.

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